If you have tried to lose weight before then you will be all too painfully aware of just how hard it can be. Sustaining a strict diet and committing to lengthy workout sessions for a prolonged period in order to see continued weight loss requires significant motivation and time – something that many people who are looking to shed the pounds often struggle with. Gastric surgery is available but makes a permanent change to your body and requires a significant recovery period. Fortunately, there is a non-surgical alternative – a body sculpting treatment known as laser lipo.
What is laser lipo and how will it help me to lose weight?
Laser lipo uses red light laser technology which has been proven to be effective in helping to destroy fat cells within the body, thus enabling patients to both lose weight with body sculpting and enjoy a slimmer shape. The red light therapy has two effects….
1. Red light reduces oxidative stress within the body. Oxidative stress has been shown to have a number of negative effects on the body, increasing the patient’s risk of developing health problems and also contributing to weight gain and sustained obesity.
2. Red light has been shown to have a direct effect on lipocytes. Lipocytes are the cells within the body that specializes in holding onto excess energy as fat. When the red light is targeted at these cells, the fat contained within them liquifies and passes out of the body through the usual process of elimination. Since fat cells can only grow larger and not regenerate, their elimination can be permanent, provided you don’t then gain weight and cause your remaining fat cells to grow. This means that your fat loss is sustainable for the long term.
Will I still need to exercise if I have had laser lipo?
Exercise is an important activity for everyone, regardless of their age or size. Regular exercise helps us to have a healthy heart and properly functioning body systems. This means that it should remain part of your usual weekly routine. Nevertheless, when you choose laser lipo, you won’t need to be reliant on exercise for your weight loss. Studies conducted amongst our patients have discovered that just one laser lipo body sculpting session produces a similar weight loss effect that is equivalent to around seven 30-minute cardio workouts. That is essentially a week’s worth of exercise in just one half-hour session of laser lipo – where you can just relax, read or listen to music.
The body sculpting effects of laser lipo make it a particularly effective treatment for patients who have physical limitations that make it difficult for them to take part in conventional cardio exercises.
We believe body sculpting with laser lipo is the best non-surgical weight loss solution available. If you are looking for a fat loss treatment, body sculpting could be the perfect way to help you achieve the body you have been dreaming of. To find out more, or to schedule a consultation, contact our clinic today.