It's becoming a popular mantra for many people to not sweat the small stuff. But every so often, you do exactly that. Daily hassles like losing your keys or being stuck in traffic when running late can cause stress, even more so when you're undergoing major life changes. Did you know that this state of mental and emotional strain can affect your body in many ways? If you're starting to notice some signs of premature aging or weight gain, maybe stress is to blame. Here's how they're correlated:
Psychological Stress and Skin Aging
You are familiar with how your body reacts to stress. A wide range of cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms can manifest when you experience strong feelings of worry or anxiety. These may include the inability to concentrate, moodiness, frequent colds, and changes in appetite or sleeping patterns. These signs are familiar to a lot of people. But emerging studies confirm stress can also cause wrinkles and other signs of aging.
As a matter of fact, a 2012 study shows that work-related stress is linked to a faster rate of biological aging. Another 2012 study suggests that people who suffer from chronic stress due to increased levels of anticipated stressful activities may be more at risk of cellular aging. It’s also worth noting that stress is associated with adrenal fatigue. This can cause many people to make bad lifestyle choices, which further contribute to aging. Those who suffer from stress may seek to relieve their discomfort through unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating, alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking, use of stimulants like caffeine, and even substance abuse. Not only do these activities decrease life span, but they've also been found to make people look and feel older. Tobacco alone has chemicals that destroy proteins like collagen and elastin, which give your skin strength and flexibility. This results in deeper wrinkles and saggy skin.
How Stress Causes Weight Gain
Your body produces cortisol, which is a natural stress hormone responsible for regulating your metabolism. Metabolism converts the food you eat into energy. Your body releases cortisol when you're under stress, sending it into a fight-or-flight mode. When this happens, your body pauses its regular bodily functions and slows your metabolism. Your body experiences a surge of energy as cortisol stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. This process is vital for survival but it can be harmful when produced in excessive amounts. It increases your appetite and can even trigger cravings for unhealthy meals. These include fatty, sweet, and salty foods.
It's also worth mentioning that excessive amounts of cortisol can cause lower testosterone levels in your body. This, in turn, slows down the number of calories your body burns and leads to decreased muscle mass. The weight that you will likely gain from elevated cortisol levels is often found around the abdominal area. This accumulation of fat around your waist is generally associated with the development of heart disease.
Are you looking for minimally invasive methods to shed those unwanted pounds or restore your youthful glow? Are you looking for ways to cope with stress and learn about what it does to the body? Visit Sarasota Laser Lipo today in Sarasota, Florida. Call our office now at (941) 241-0500 to schedule your consultation.