It’s time to start re-evaluating our life choices once more as 2021 is slowly nearing. Many people usually make New Year’s resolutions that focus on saving money. But why don’t you work harder on your health and well-being this time? It’s essential that you exercise more and cut down on fatty or processed foods. But you already know that. An even more critical aspect in achieving the lifestyle changes you want is resisting the urge to go back to your old habits. Do you find it difficult to stick to your new routine and follow it for life? Perhaps you need a holistic approach and to try red light therapy (RLT). Here’s how this safe, non-invasive treatment can be incorporated into your current wellness program. This way, you can stay healthy year-round.
How Red Light Therapy Impact Wellness
Targeting your cells’ powerhouse with red and near-infrared light energy contributes to your wellness journey in several ways. Here’s how RLT can factor in your overall health:
- Weight Loss. Red Light has been shown to affect the cells that store fat, called “adipocytes,” causing the lipids to disperse, basically melting away fat. Other studies show that light may help control appetite by affecting leptin and ghrelin, the hunger and fullness hormones.
- Boosts Collagen Production. Collagen is the protein that makes our skin elastic, and its production tends to decline with age. Red light therapy improves cellular function, which regulates collagen production. This is great for your face, neck, and chest to strengthen the skin, and to prevent and reverse wrinkles.
- Skin Quality and Hair Growth. Several studies showed that red light therapy helps improve various skin conditions. These include sun-induced wrinkles and aging, sunspots, acne, and complexion. Some reviews also conclude that RLT can be a safe and effective solution for hair loss and alopecia.
- Inflammation. One of the primary benefits of RLT is its anti-inflammatory effects. The procedure stimulates the cells and decreases oxidative stress. This allows the body to equip itself for a speedy recovery and reduce inflammation. RLT also presents potential through its antimicrobial activity.
- Wound Healing. While subjects in separate research still had to deal with the usual pain after oral surgery, RLT, nevertheless, improved their recovery rate. It’s also worth mentioning that the treatment seems to decrease foot ulcer size and pain among diabetic patients. Animal models with diabetes also appear to have a reduced risk of infection from incision wounds after receiving RLT.
- Pain. While the research findings on RLT’s effect on persistent low back pain are still mixed, one study involving 90 chemotherapy patients showed significantly diminished self-reported pain.
- Physical Performance. Patients suffering from heart disease in a study who underwent RLT exhibited reduced chest pain during exercise tests. In another research, healthy untrained subjects who had RLT manifested significantly reduced soreness and muscle tissue damage than their counterparts who did not receive the treatment.
- Oral Mucositis. One of the common complications of chemotherapy and radiation is oral mucositis. This is a side effect that occurs when inflammation breaks down the mucosal lining of the mouth. A review suggests that RLT can reduce the incidence and severity of tissue swelling.
- Bipolar Disorder. Multiple models of phototherapy revealed that RLT helps in improving seasonal and non-seasonal depressive symptoms. It’s also been found to keep subjects with bipolar disorder from relapsing after sleep deprivation.
- Cognitive Function. Many experts also tried to explore the impact of this natural approach on various conditions. Researchers discovered that RLT might improve cognitive functions, such as memory and attention, among subjects with dementia.
Are you interested in using red light therapy for long-lasting results? At Sarasota Laser Lipo, we can determine if this approach is right for you. Call our office now in Sarasota, Florida, to schedule your consultation call 941-241-0500.