One of the main reasons why people spend lots of money on skincare products is to counteract loose skin. Tightening loose skin on your face and restoring your youthful appearance involve dealing with several issues. These include wrinkles, sunspots, poor skin texture, and loose skin.
As collagen decreases over time, your skin will gradually become loose, leading to loss of volume and wrinkles. The best way to prevent your skin from sagging is to preserve collagen, which is the skin’s structural support. This is where red light therapy can come in handy.
What Causes Loose Skin?
Loose skin can appear anywhere on your body, such as the face, neck, abdomen, and triceps. The most common cause of loose skin is aging. Your skin starts to lose its collagen and natural elasticity as you age.
Healthy development of collagen contributes to youthful-looking skin with good elasticity. When your collagen production starts to wane, the connective tissue will weaken, causing your skin to look more tired. It can also lead to the development of wrinkles and fine lines. Other potential causes of sagging skin include:
Dramatic and sudden weight loss
Disease and illness
Pregnancy, including hormonal changes and postpartum weight loss
Chronic dehydration
Loss of muscle mass
Heavy drinking, smoking, and other unhealthy lifestyle choices
Exposure to UV radiation
What Is Red Light Skin Therapy?
This form of cosmetic treatment aims to solve skin problems using low-level red light. Many skincare experts believe that it can treat scarring, age spots, wrinkles, and other skin conditions.
Red light therapy increases the flow of blood to the treatment area, causing the collagen in connective tissue to contract and tighten the skin. It can also help heal damaged areas of your skin.
The Power of Light
Everyone needs light to stay healthy and thrive. When you expose your skin to natural light, it will absorb vitamin D. This important nutrient can prevent heart disease and bone loss. It can also play a critical role in controlling weight gain. However, natural light can also come with some risks, such as skin damage and skin cancer. But red light therapy is an FDA-approved treatment with no significant health risks.
How Red Light Skin Therapy Works
Red light skin therapy is a drug-free and non-invasive treatment with little or no side effects or risks. Also known as low-level laser light therapy, this procedure involves the use of low wavelength red light on the body. This red light penetrates deep into the layers of the skin.
Mitochondria in the cells of your skin then absorb and use the light particles to activate the production of elastin and collagen. These compounds help plump and tighten skin. RLT can also remove bacteria that cause acne. This helps you gain a youthful and attractive glow.
The Research
Red light therapy, according to researchers, affects biochemical compounds on the cellular level. It strengthens the mitochondria responsible for generating the energy source for all cells, referred to as adenosine triphosphate. Thus, your skin cells can rejuvenate themselves and respond better to damage.
To learn how red light therapy can help tighten loose skin, visit Sarasota Laser Lipo at our office in Sarasota, Florida. You can call 941-241-0500 today to schedule an appointment.